Inaugural Build - Anything goes!

Winner: empecinado - 2nd: Dave C - 3rd: patrokles
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Inaugural Build - Anything goes!

Post by wargamertoo »

As we have now reached the 200 member milestone we thought we’d start off the Builds as used to happen on the old forum.

It will be as simple and generic as possible to enable all to participate.... thmbs2) Future builds will be themed as this seemed popular, but as generic as possible within that theme.

Rules will be as basic as possible......

Generic Build - Anything goes!

Start date - 18/03/2018

End date 20/05/2018. (Relaxed on this, as long as work is posted on that date that will be fine. And if your post is 10 mins after midnight it will still be entered.... ;) )

Anyone can take part.
Work must be your own.
Existing WIP can be used for the Build.
Any scale, any period, any subject, any amount, large or small, of figures, cavalry, terrain, vehicles, boats, planes etc etc can be entered.

Results will be decided by a simple majority vote. Number of votes each member can cast will be 20% of the number of entrants, eg if there are 30 entries there will be 6 votes each. ( There never seemed to be enough votes before!)

And that’s it. Get painting........ :D

And some things that used to be,
were forgotten,
For none now game who remember them...

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